ALCANET- 4.0 Industrial supervision/monitoring
Alca Sistemi, thanks to its experience in the field of line supervision, is realising a new typology of supervision based on webserver technology. The objective is to make the productive plants more and more smart and connected, also able to predict eventual failures/breakdowns of the machine and/or driftes of the process.
ALCANET system is based on a web responsive technology and so it is navigable through browser, on any device connected to the Internet. Furthermore , the platform in order to the internet of Things and of the 4.0 industry, allows to receive personalised notifications on the mobile devices (smartphones, tablet) of the operators in order to alert in real time about eventual anomalies of the line on the basis of parameters set up by the responsibles of the production.
Thanks to ALCANET it is possible to keep track of the maintenance works (organised or urgent) which happen on the line.
Example of ALCANET System dashboeard