Thanks to its longtime experience and to its constantly updated technical knowledge, Alca is able to offer different services and an extended range of products concerning the hydraulic sector.

4 stages pump test bench

This manual bench has been realised to test a four stages pump  (1 stage of pressure and 3 stages of scavenge) for a very important italian motorcycle manufacturer. The machine is composed by a single emplacement and includes the pump test  through the placement on the work holder done by the operator and the locking done by the pneumatic cylinders. A Siemens electric motor spins the pump in testing mode, up to 3600 rpm.

The protection, by means of next-gen infrared optical barriers, safeguards the security of the operator during the use of the bench.

Automatical bench for the test of geared pump.

The machine has been expressly realised to carry out the running-in phase and the test of the geared hydraulic pumps with pressions up to 250 bar. The bench is equipped with control panels (to allow the operator to control the process) and with two LCD monitors for the visualisation of graphics and values during the test.

The pump assembly line interfaces with the machine and the pumps are incerted into the bench by the pallet and then they are loaded through  a manipulator. The manipulator takes in charge a pump, places it in one of the 4 test emplecements of the bench and then it replaces the pump on an unloading pallet at the Banco di Collaudo Pompa a 4 Stadiend of the test. The results of the test are saved in a database shared with the production line.

Representation of two automatic benches


Detail of the manipulator during the loading on an emplacement


Test Emplacement


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 (+39) 080 237 13 65

  Via Dott. N. Scioscia 2/D
70026 - Modugno (BA)
Puglia, Italia
  (+39) 080 237 13 65

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 (+39) 080 237 13 65

  Via La Lenza, snc
70010 - Capurso (BA)
Puglia, Italia
  (+39) 080 237 13 65