Addressing the market lack of electronic products at the request of the customers is one of the services offered by ALCA SISTEMI. For a while ALCA SISTEMI has been realising electronic boards in THT or SMD technology equipped with next generation micro-processors for the analysis and the processing of every signal.

Interfacing board for fluides flow-rate gauges

In the hydraulic sector, the reading of flow-rate measurements is one of the most common. The acquisition methods are manifold and can be by mass or volumetric and the last ones are based on exciters or gears systems. These devices report outbond an electric segnal in the 24V industrial standard represented by a square – wave.

The frequency is directly proportional to the flowrate to measure  and it is influenced by a constant of proportionality established by the builder of the device. The gauges more advanced report an output signal constituted by a couple of ±90° wavefront out of phase in order to allow the identification of the hydro-flow direction in addition to the flow-rate measurement.

Our electronic interfacing board has been delevopped to allow immediate readings directly by the flow-rate gauges, reporting directly on the PC the frequency value proportional to the flowrate.  It has been built employing the most recent technologies with the use of processors and SMD assembly in order to obtain more strenght for the employ of the product in the industrial environment.

It can be perfectly integrated in an electrical cabinet because its container is already prepared to be installed on standard DIN guide. 

Board realised by Alca Sistemi


Example of connection up to 8 devices on a pc


Board container


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 (+39) 080 237 13 65

  Via Dott. N. Scioscia 2/D
70026 - Modugno (BA)
Puglia, Italia
  (+39) 080 237 13 65

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 (+39) 080 237 13 65

  Via La Lenza, snc
70010 - Capurso (BA)
Puglia, Italia
  (+39) 080 237 13 65